Formatting is W.I.P.
DONE Deploy contracts DONE Test Masterchef and Token Contracts to make sure everything is working as intended DONE Deploy Liquidity to Quickswap and lock LP for 1 year DONE Get security of our system reviewed by DONE Buy advertisements and promo for launch day DONE (get this docs site up lol) TODO throughout launch week: Advertise post launch to expand user growth even more during first harvest especially. TODO: Add more FAQ, beginners guides, and in depth explanations of our planned features.
Additional pools:
More interest bearing token pools
Possible MEME coin pools
NEW Bonfire system. (New token and MEME token generation platform. Supplies of these tokens will be hard or soft capped via our unique generation contracts. As capped, erc20, non taxed coins, these will also be safe for staking on any third party master chef and may also be used for cross promo with other platforms.
Cross promo with other platforms: We have partnerships being planned TBA for crossover with other platforms we like. Open to community feedback on collaboration ideas as well.
Phase1: Initial MEME launch NFTS limited edition. To start off we will auction off some limited edition MEME nfts.
Phase 2: NFT Lootboxes, a limited supply of lootboxes will be released for purchase using MEME (10% of purchase goes to artists directly, 40% burned, and 50% to auto LP)
Phase 3: Auto generated MEME nfts using GAN. after phase 1 and two we will be setting up a system to auto generate hilarious one of a kind AI generated MEMES which can be minted for a price in MEME just like phase 2's lootbox system.
(yield optimization vaults)
There will be a website up soon to compliment our primary farming interface (vfat). This will replace our linktree, as well as provide interfaces for tools such as MEME nfts, quickswap trading ui, vaults, balance and apr display, and eventually we may also make a custom ASCII style interface inspired by vfat for normal pools with some convenience enhancements and a sexy hackerman look (but we recommend using vfat for any farm anyways as its display of things such as deposit fees can be trusted, so it is safer for end users)
Order a full audits on our master chef, token contract, and for additional contracts (timelocks, vaults, token generation, nft)
Additional Info
The features coming first will be NFT phase 1, then Token launch contracts and audits, and our companion website, then phase 2 of NFT, then vaults, then phase 3 NFT, and collaborations with other farms will be sometime around token launch contracts time. Oh I forgot to write this, but with the token launch contract will come a secondary token for PolyMeme with capped supply.
Last updated